k.a r l a k.e m p g e n s
f o t o g r a f i/e/n
surya lanka
(ayurvedic resort)***
secret bay hotel
(great plot on the beach!)
d. gunathilaka
(very nice jeweller) hotel panorama (great place on a hill on talalla beach) www.panorama.lankabeach.com
hotel resort on talalla beach
this is kalu who now has its home in the temple naotunna/kottagoda. thank you rev. rewatha for taking care of our little dog ...
I want to thank people who crossed my way ! rev. n. rewatha - narada - frauke - claudia - dr. fonseca - dr. ravinda - mr. fernando - astrid - rolf - peter - rohan - chaminda and his father - the 'big' gardener - ishan - nandana - shameera - angela - maria - sigi - samantha - benat - the driver adjit - sajeewa - pirit - damith - sanjeewa - eueni - thomas - ralf - the jeweller d. gunathilaka - guna - uwe - pavel - elisabeth - lucksman - terans - elisabeth - the fishing people of talalla beach ... thank you all ! and all the wonderful people I cannot name here ... |
© 2008 karla kempgens |